Building Your Own Private Blog Network While Using Domain Hunter Gatherer


Building Your Own Private Blog Network While Using Domain Hunter Gatherer

Are you the type of individual, who is interested in generating additional income from home? In all likelihood, you are. In fact, the majority of people throughout the world would love to be able to make a little bit of extra income. Of course, the majority of individuals, including me, aren’t willing to go out and acquire another job. Instead, a lot of us have turned to SEO. With a sufficient website, and the highly innovative Domain Hunter Gatherer, it is possible to learn how to build a private blog network and begin earning money, within a short period. Of course, all of this might seem like gibberish to you. Don’t worry. Below, you’ll learn how to build your network and the overall importance of doing so.


Understanding SEO with using a Private Blog Network

 If you’ve made it this far. You’re likely more than familiar with Search Engine Optimization. If not, you probably need to go back and do your research. SEO is nothing more than optimizing your website for the various search engines, with the most notable and most vital being Google. If your site isn’t optimized and doesn’t have a sufficient number of backlinks, you’ll never acquire a good SERP and your website will obtain tiny to no traffic. Of course, SEO covers a broad range of elements, which will be listed below. PBN SEO

  • On page factors, such as tags, keywords and titles
  • Off page factors, including links
  • Violations and penalties, which are dished out by the nasty search engines
  • Social Media
  • Press Releases
  • Citation
  • Site Map
  • Forums
  • Directories
  • Content Marketing
  • and many more!

The on-page factors are much easier to manage than those off of your website. This is why it is a good idea to learn to build a network, which can link directly back to your site. This is pertinent, but it will only prove to be successful, if you utilize this technique, while buying expired domains that are worth it.

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How To Find Expired Domains

  Before you can rush out and try to learn how to build a private blog network, you should first take the time to learn about the process of trying to find expired domains. It is truly possible for many to create a private blog chain, but it won’t matter a bit, unless you utilize expired domains, which are high in statistics and backlinks. Finding good expired domains is truly a dog-eat-dog world! If I ever found my domain expired, I would be frightened that someone would scoop it up, before I had time to renew it. domain hunter gatherer With this in mind, you should know that there are a number of different ways to find domains that have expired for your private blog networks. The various techniques will be explored below.

  • Manually – If you’re not lazy and have a lot of free time on your hands, you may want to look for domains that have expired on your own. Performing a search for this domain name has expired can help, but again, this process can be tedious and very frustrating. Still, this is the most cost-effective way to proceed and won’t require you to spend anything, until you’re ready to add the domain to your private blog network hosting.
  • Software – On the other hand, you may want to streamline the process. It is possible to do just that, by utilizing a tool, such as the Domain Hunter Gatherer. This tool will take the guesswork out of it and perform all necessary actions for you, until you acquire a new network domain that is worth your time and expired! This is truly the best way to find domains and build a private blog network.
  • Websites – Finally, when attempting to learn how to create a private blog chain, you should know that some websites offer lists of expired domains. These websites can be helpful, but the domains are usually already taken or up for auction, so they might not be worth your time and might be too expensive.

All in all, there are numerous ways to acquire good, expired domain names for your PBN SEO strategy. Of course, if you stick with the rules of the PBN Wiki, you will find that the Domain Hunter Gatherer is definitely the quickest and most effective way to find expired domains, without doing the legwork yourself.



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Content Summary on what you will read below:

1. Talks about Private Blog Network
2. Building your own Private Blog Network
3. What are the tools that you need in order to get your expired domain
4. What are the necessary resources that you need to build this Private Blog Network
5. What are the needed Steps on how to build a PBN for a LONG TERM SEO and Yes STRONG PBN’s
6. What are the POINTERS needed to be remembered in building a PBN




What Is A Private Blog Network?

 What is PBN



Now that you’ve learned how to acquire domains, which have expired and that have real statistics, you should learn what PBN is.nothing more than an abbreviation for a private blog network. As the name suggests, the PBN is a network of blogs, which are private and utilized correctly for search engine optimization purposes. By using the right domains, C class hosting, and PBN management software, such as MainWP, you’ll be able to run your own PBN and build an unlimited number of backlinks to your money site.

in short a private blog network is a referral site that refers its traffic to the money site or it may be in line with a private network in which most cases or many internet marketers out there believe that having a good quality expired domain with its standard metrics, clean history, clean anchor text, proper 3Rs will surely boost the money site to its strongest performance in terms of rankings.


PBN metrics SEO


Although learning how to build a network, which will prove to be effective, is much easier said than done, achieving your goal will give your money site a massive SERP boost.


building a private blog network



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How To Make A Private Network – What You Need

Especially this year we tend to overlook how tools get in action.. We forget that there are some vital points that we must have and understand. To make an efficient and reliable PBN for SEO, we must undergo some process.

To build your private network, you’ll need some different things. First and foremost, you’ll need to acquire good hosting, which will provide you with unique C IP addresses for each of your domains. If all of the domains utilize the same IP address, Google will know about it, and your efforts will be all for naught! Although I have done quite a bit of business with various hosting companies, I can tell you straight up that HostNine is ultimately the best. This provider delivers everything you need to learn how to build a network and get it up and running quickly.   Also, to utilize the Domain Hunter Gatherer, it is typically best to implement the use of proxies. You’ll also need a good VPS. Utilizing and GreenCloudVPS is recommended. Both services have worked tremendously well for me, and I can easily recommend them with a straight face. Also, you’ll need money and time. It is actually impossible to make money, without spending a moderate amount. You’ll be required to pay for some of these services, the price of the domains and hosting. Of course, the expenses will truly be well worth it in the end.


5 basic tools that you need to make this work

  1. Hosting (Hostnine)
  2. Expired Domain Miner Tool (Domain Hunter Gatherer)
  3. Resources (Proxy,VPS Server)
  4. Content
  5. PBN Management (MainWP)


HostNine – Your Host of Choice for PBN hosting

For Real, This is what you need to host your expired domains with a minimal cost that can start at 9$/Month with a usage of multiple Unique C-Class IPS and Multiple Locations to avoid PBN Footprints “Yes Believe it this works”

When searching for a hosting provider for your private blog network, you should take a good look at HostNine. Not only does this reseller hosting platform offer, multiple unique C-Class IPs, but it also allows Webmaster to customize the server location (UK, US, Netherlands, and Asia) for each of their websites, this is done when the account is created. Although you can take advantage of HostNine’s built-in transfer tools, if you opt to move your site to another hosting location later on down the road.   You will also have total control of customizing features in your control panel while having the option of configuring a package that suits your every need. There is no end to the benefits that you will receive from this hosting network provider. I must admit that I was totally amazed at HostNine’s services, which has given me the authority to manage my website via a user-friendly interface. The interface is filled with features that allow me to manage my email and files, as I so choose.


PBN hosting with Hostnine


Hostnine PBN Reseller



What Is An Expired Domain?

 For those of you that are new to the SEO world, you may be unfamiliar with the term, “Expired Domain.” A domain is just a website name, but an expired domain is a site that was unregistered for whatever reason. When the website expires, it becomes inactive, but most of the valuable links will still be alive and well. Over the course of time, Google and Bing will remove the domain from the search engine and once a new owner registers it, they must either submit it to the search engines or wait for them to pick it up.   Once this is complete, you will be left with links that will prove to be precious to your niche website. It is important to note that you should only consider expired domains that have links because otherwise they will be pretty much worthless.


Basically, in finding the best qualified expired domain we have to consider some aspects interms of metrics, clean profiled backlinks, clean natural looking anchor text, powerful referring domains (3Rs)



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Benefits of Expired Domains with Traffic


As we all know Expired Domains without a traffic or with a low quality Referring Domains , Referring IPs and Referring Subnet is a no GO or NO GOOD! Yes,  Having an Expired Domain That has a lower number of this 3Rs (Referring Domains, Referring IPS and Referring Subnet) will not make your PBN network effective and will not give you the boost you are looking for


What are the 3Rs

Referring Domain Referring domain, also known as “ref domain”, is a website which has a backlink pointing to a page, or link, to the site you are analysing.

Referring IP’sA Referring IP refers to an IP address which hosts at least one website that contains a link to the given target URL or Domain. Many domains, (websites), can be hosted on one IP address. Use the Majestic Neighbourhood Checker tool to find out the IP address for any given domain.

Referring SubnetThis is an abbreviation for “Referring C-subnets”. In the Majestic system, multiple counts calculated links, de-duplicating links across pages; (which we refer to as backlink count), across domains; (the domain count), and across c-subnets. The C-subnet count is useful, as it is possible for the same class C-subnet to be used by one, or associated organisations. For larger sites, counting the unique linking relationships across C-subnets can also be useful.

Reference: MajesticSEO Case Study of the RS(Referring Subnets) : MajesticSEO and Moz  

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Instead of just going out there and investing in a new domain, you should take the time to learn how to buy the expired domain. This very simple process that can benefit you greatly, even if you are building a network. It is always wise to purchase domains with traffic because they can put you in a much better position, where you can capitalize on success. In fact, the domain may help you gain relevance in the search engine results.   It is genuine not that difficult to learn how to buy an expired domain and to check the domain’s age and page rank. These expired domains are available to everyone, but they are accessible on a first come, first serve basis, so if you procrastinate, you will lose out on the opportunity to score big. The way this works is to find expired domains that have already been indexed in Google with a significant number of backlinks.   Since the previous Webmaster or owner did all of the SEO, you can focus more on how to create a private network. Their loss will be your gain in this instance, so be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity.


How To Make Blog Private – Using Domain Hunter Gatherer

Now, it is time to learn how to utilize the tools mentioned above. Once you’ve got your hosting and have paid the initial fees, you’ll want to begin using this software to scour the net and hunt for expired sites and domains, which will make your PBN a smashing success. Remember that the success of your PBN honestly depends on the quality of your domains! Below, you’ll find a list of the tasks, which can be with this comprehensive software. Remember that the features provided would depend on the particular package you buy! As a serious SEO individual, I pay for the professional version, so I have access to each and every aspect of the software. I recommend that you do the same!


  • Scan through domain auctions for potentially helpful expired domains
  • Locate and register expired Web 2.0 accounts, which include WordPress, Weebly, Blogger, Tumblr and much more
  • Finding and register domains for your relevant keyword or keywords
  • Check the quality of each domain found
  • Compare a handful of domains, so you can acquire the best
  • Export and import lists for further analysis
  • Filter domains depending on various metrics, so you can weed out horrible investments

Although getting used to this software and all of its features can be a bit daunting, it is undoubtedly well worth it for those that want to learn how to build a private blog network, which will prove to be fruitful and worth their efforts.


What You Need To Know Before Buying DHG?

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For any passionately obsessed domain hunter who wishes to get that awesome domain, there is one tiring, endless task, and that is scouring the Internet, day in and day out for domains.

Well by my admission I am one of those.

In my hot pursuit, I decided to look around for the availability of any tools to make my job easy and that’s when I chanced upon Domain Hunter Gatherer (DHG) in one of the popular blackhat forums. After using it for a while, I must say that the kind of features this tool possesses is enough for both an amateur and a professional domain hunter to get hooked!

So, Here I have come up with a bulleted overview (You may call it as a snapshot review too :-)) of it to help you decide on buying this right away!




  • The software is easily downloadable with minimum system requirements like Windows XP/Vista/7/8 and further, Ram of 512MB and above and an internet connection of more than 8MB.
  • Set of private proxies are required for usage and can be easily purchased from online proxy providers like Buyproxies, MyPrivateProxies etc.
  • Instructional videos available on the software to facilitate its configuring and usage.
  • It comes in three packages to suit requirements of different user’s viz., Free, Premium and Professional.
  • Free version is absolutely free to hunt auction domains and comes with no hidden charges.
  • Premium version adds web 2.0 hunting tool to the free version while the Professional version adds expired domain hunting tool to the premium version.
  • Software is absolutely safe and free of any malware.
  • Support for various analytics software like Moz, Majestic etc.
  • DHG runs multiple threads simultaneously thereby reducing wait time between various tasks like searching, analysing etc.


  • Simple to use software with a well-structured interface and low configuration requirements.
  • Domain search is simple and is based on keywords which help in an accurate listing of domains in auctions, expired web 2.0s and domains.
  • Domain auction hunter helps you find powerful domains, do a quality check and helps to compare to find the best domains.
  • Helps to export or import and save domains for further analysis.
  • Various filters like DA, PR, TF, CF, Domain age etc can be used to get that right domain.
  • Reduces manual effort involved in hunting and gathering domains online.
  • Availability of good customer support service.
  • Comes with free 7-days initial trial pack and money back guarantee upon return due to unsatisfactory results within specified period.
  • Value for money product


  • Initially, time is required to get familiarised since it comes loaded with a vast set of options.
  • Bad keywords if specified might lead to skipping of some potentially good domains since they speed up the domain hunting process a little.
  • Work log is usually empty and shows only errors and bugs.


Worth Reading? YES!

DHG is an amazing software and has assisted me in searching for quality, metric rich domains, web 2.0s and expired ones at extremely cheap rates. Truly worth a buy.

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Running This Software   Generally, it is best to run the Domain Hunter Gatherer from behind proxies. This is absolutely vital and learning how to do this should come first, before you begin learning how to build a private blog network. Remember that you’ll want to keep all of your actions hidden, so utilizing proxies is pertinent. This will also help to free up bandwidth, since you’ll be able to use a Virtual Private Server to utilize the software. You’ll also need to acquire proxies to use with your VPS and this software. Below, you’ll find my recommendations for both.


GreenCloudVPS – to utilize this software in a concealed manner, you’ll be nee to acquire a virtual private server. It is vital to make sure that your VPS is optimized and capable of utilizing SEO tool, including the Domain Hunter Gatherer. Why I use GreenCloud. The company’s SEO optimized VPS are reliable and ready to go very quickly. I utilize the plan, which provides me with 6GB ram, 4 CPU cord and 60GB spade. On top of that, the company offers unmetered bandwidth. This gives me the ability to keep my SEO tools running throughout the day and night, without any concerns.   I must also say that the company’s technical support has been sufficient and very responsive. I’ve only been forced to make contact with them several times, but each was a pleasant experience, and the problem was rectified in the first attempt. Be sure to check them out, if you need access to a reliable VPS for your SEO tools.

Green Cloud VPS Review Click Here

Green Cloud VPS Review – You’re also going to need a large number of proxies. If you don’t already know, more is always better. With the more significant number of proxies, you’ll be able to allow your SEO tools to assume more identities, so you will never have to worry about getting blocked. To ensure that my tools are running anonymous, I use the service from Their system is incredibly comprehensive, and they offer a massive collection of proxies, which are located throughout the world! In fact, they offer hundreds of individualistic locations, and new proxies are added every month or so.   On top of that, the company delivers unlimited bandwidth.


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Why I utilize them. With their proxies and GreenCloud’s VPS, I can run my tools consistently, without getting knocked offline or running out of bandwidth.   Once you’ve acquired these services, you will want to fire up the Domain Hunter and begin working your way around the software. Again, learning to use the software efficient can be daunting since there is so much to offer and so much to do. The good news is that there are tutorials online, and they can help make the process tremendously easier.

Relevant Niches – When you are searching for expired domains, it is critical only to consider those that contained SEO keywords and content with relevancy. The domain name must also be relevant to your niche since you are going to build on these to push the website up the Google rank. You must remember that SEO keywords are very competitive, so you will need to be creative when boosting your ranking.

Once you find an expired domain name that suits your needs, you should begin by adding unique images and article content. Many webmasters will make the mistake of adding content that has been used over and over again. If you want your site to look natural, then you will need to compose the articles in a very delicate manner. You can do this by adding relevant keywords to the content, so they flow naturally. The key is to avoid keyword stuffing or inputting them into the article, in a manner that makes the content unreadable.   If you are contemplating buying expired domains to link to your niche website, you must be very careful. Google frowns on unnatural link building, and if caught attempting to manipulate the search in ranking, you may find yourself in hot water.

Analyzing Links – Just because an expired domain has links does not always make them legitimate. In fact, many webmasters will have executed poor link building strategies. This will only leave them with fake links that are not even worth the time spent creating them. Of course, if you are unfamiliar with link spam, you will not be able to determine, whether or not it is an actual link.   Some websites can help you investigate the metrics for each domain but be sure to utilize the software mentioned above because it is easier to use and gives you the ability to compare domains. You can take advantage of these options, just by registering. Try to avoid domains that appear to have spam links, because they will not be worth investing in.


Important 5 Rules for you to be aware of before considering purchasing the expired domain that was scraped by domain hunter gatherer

  1. Backlink Profile
  2. Anchor Text Ratio
  3. History
  4. Spam Scores
  5. Whois Records Drop Rate


Tools to help you check the 5 Rules Above:

  1. Ahrefs
  2. MajesticSEO
  3. WayBackMachine
  4. Moz
  5. Whois Domain Tools


Remember, Google classes relevant links as being more powerful, meaning that they can be more effective in improving your ranking. Appearing natural in Google’s eyes will definitely benefit your site greatly.

Checking For Penalties – When attempting to acquire a new domain, you must take a gamble. This is the case because you’ll need actually to invest in the domain before you can figure out, whether or not it has been penalized by Google. Of course, this isn’t overly terrible, since the cost of a new domain is relatively minute and won’t break the bank. Once you’ve purchased the domain and have added it to your hosting account, you’ll need to wait it out, to find out whether or not your new domain has already been penalized. Below, you’ll learn how to find out for sure.

Get It Up And Running – First and foremost, you should consider getting your website up and running. Add it to your hosting account and add a bit of content. For this point on, you’ll need to submit your site to the search engines and remain patient. Most search engines will index the website rapidly if it isn’t penalized. However, you shouldn’t be surprised, if the site isn’t indexed within a matter of a week. If you wait for 2 weeks or longer, something is probably wrong, and you’ve likely invested in a penalized domain. Don’t worry, since you only wasted ten bucks or so. Just move along and try again!

After Indexed – Also, you need to perform an additional check, after the website has been indexed. After you’ve been able to confirm that the search engines have indexed your site, you’ll want to search for your site’s bare URL. Just run a search for or Your website should be at the top of the searches. If it is not, you should wait it out. Do not start adding content and links, until your website is at the top of the results for this specific search term!

Truthfully, purchasing an expired domain can be a major hit or a depressing miss. If you get lucky, the domain will not be penalized, and it’ll dramatically enhance your private blog network. However, if it is penalized, you’re out of luck. You’ll need to take the defeat like a man and move on until you find a proper domain, which is ready to go. This isn’t too bad, though, since the cost of a domain is relatively cheap and the benefits can be enormous. Just stick with it and you’ll eventually find some constant domains and your money site will benefit exponentially from your efforts and patience.

Software And Analytics – Eventually, you’re going to need to build full websites for your PBN. This might be the most time-consuming part of the process, but there is no way around it unless you want to outsource the work. For your sites to be a success, you’ll need to make sure that you’re utilizing the appropriate software and analytic tracking tools. Below, you’ll learn precisely what is required and what is recommended in both categories.

CMS – If you don’t know, the CMS is your content management system. The mass majority of bloggers, SEO people, and even business websites operate using WordPress. Therefore, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to utilize this software while concealing the identity of your PBN. It is also possible to throw in a few websites with basic HTML and other CMS solutions if you want to mix it up a tad. Of course, WP is truly your best bet. The software is effortless to use, simplistic and incredibly user-friendly. If you cannot figure out how to use WP, you might as well get out of the SEO business right now.

Themes And Pages – Once you’ve configured your domain and have installed your CMS, you’ll need to begin setting up your theme and pages. The theme is vital. If you utilize the same generalized theme throughout all of your sites, Google will take note, and you’ll find yourself slapped with a penalty sooner rather than later. Make sure that each site has its theme. It is also a good idea to use SEO-friendly themes, which will work well with Google and other search engines. As far as pages go, you should make sure that your sites all have the following: Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms, and Conditions, About Us

Analytical Software – Some PBN owners have made the mistake of attempting to add analytic software to their PBN sites. Although it is nice to be able to track your site’s traffic, this can prove to be very problematic. Utilizing Google’s Search Console for their Analytics tools can leave behind a footprint. To take advantage of these tools, without getting caught, you’d be forced to make an individual account for each site within your PBN. For most people, this is simply too time-consuming and just not worth it.

By taking these simple steps, you will have a much better chance of building a blog network, which is private, concealed and will give your money site a massive rankings boost in the future.

Using MainWP To Manage Your Network  – If you have multiple WordPress sites, you know how difficult it can be to manage each and every one. By taking advantage of MainWP Dashboard plugin, you will be able to manage them all, even the ones on a different host, from one location. Not only will this make adding posts and maintenance tasks a breeze, but also it will simplify every step of the process.

The process of installing the MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site is genuinely not that complicated. One of the best aspects of the MainWP is truly the PBN posting template. With this model, posting content to your PBN site couldn’t be easier. Below, you will be able to learn what can be configured, within its structure.


MainWP for Private Blog Network management

  • The domain for the blog in question
  • Which network the blog is on
  • Topic of the site
  • Description of the said side
  • Anchor text and URL for 2 individual links
  • Article titles

It is also possible to use the PBN Creating Template to completely automate the process of initially setting up your PBN site. Whether you’re trying to build a brand new site for your PBN or wish to add content to one of your existing sites, utilizing the MainWP software is truly a no-brainer!


How To Make Network Private And Pass Manual Reviews   Now that you’re familiarized yourself with everything you need, you should realize that setting up your network is easier said than done. Although the aforementioned software will help you acquire the right domains, it won’t protect your PBN from Google! As you likely already know, Google absolutely loves penalizing websites and they’ll do so, without even thinking about it. With this in mind, you will want to utilize the tips below, so you can learn how to build a private blog network, which will be able to pass Google’s manual review.

  • Content Quality – First and foremost, you should make sure that your blog’s content is up to par. If the content sounds like something written by a 4-year-old, you’re going to have problems. The content needs to be fresh, relevant and well written. On top of that, you should make sure that your content is original! Run everything through the tests and make sure nothing has been plagiarized. If anything is plagiarized, Google will know about it and your blogs will come crashing down quicker than your site’s ranking can go up!
  • Display Contact Details – When building each of the sites within your PBN, you need to create an identity for each. Make sure that it appears like a legitimate, real individual is writing each blog. You’ll also want to utilize different contact information for each website. Remember to throw in an “about me” page, as well as a “contact me” page. This will help to give off the impression that someone passionate is actually writing the content.
  • Add Some Blog Comments – Aside from the factors above, you should also try to make it appear that your website is beneficial to its visitors. One of the best ways to make this happen is by adding blog comments to each and every article posted on your blog. Be sure to thank yourself for writing the content and make it seem like your website is truly benefiting the public at large. Also, don’t forget to respond to yourself and thank your visitors for their comments.
  • Privacy Policy – A privacy policy is an absolute must! Remember that all Adsense Publishers are required to have a Privacy Policy. Although this won’t matter in this specific case, it does tell us that Google likes websites, which have privacy policies. Simply add one to your website and link it at the bottom.
  • Add Images – Finally, it is also a good idea to utilize images in each of your blog posts. Adding an image or two shows Google and your visitors that you’re writing the content for them and not for SEO purposes. Good, relevant images can do a lot for your website, so be sure to add a few.



Private Blog Network Sample

While learning how to build a private blog network, these steps are absolutely pertinent. Learning how to make blogger private is effortless, but making your PBN stick and effective can be a little trickier. The tips above should be able to help you pass right through Google’s manual review, without getting your entire PBN penalized.


Hold Off On Backlinks   Once you’ve gotten your PBN up and running, you’ll most likely feel the urge to begin flooding your money site with backlinks. This is not a good idea! In fact, this could get you penalized and might end up negatively impacting your money site in the process. Instead, you will want to remain patient and keep a close eye on your PBN blogs. Before adding the backlinks, you should make sure that Google and the other search engines have indexed your blogs. Also, you should perform a quick search for your site’s bare domain name. If it pops up within the rankings, you’re good to go.

Be sure to throw a few authority links towards your PBN sites and write relevant content on each. The content should relate to your money site in one way or another. Once you’ve completed these steps, you will want to check out your PBN sites in Ahrefs or Majestic SEO. Be sure to narrow down each PBN and try to find the page, which has the best metrics. This is where you’ll want to add the link to your money site. By following these steps, you will be able to pass along an increased amount of link juice to your main site and this will help to increase its ranking with additional impact.   Also, make sure that you add additional links to this interior page and also link to it from the homepage of your PBN site. This will help to pass even more link juice along.


Overall – Summing It Up   All in all, there is truly no doubt that running your own PBN is an excellent way to enhance your money site’s rankings. Of course, you need to make sure you prepare in advance, before moving forward. I highly encourage anyone, who is trying to learn how to build a private blog network, to go out and investing in the Domain Hunter Gatherer. This is precisely what I use and it works immensely well for tracking down effective domains, which will take your PBN to a whole new level. Just make sure you use this software within the GreenCloud VPS and with the proxies provided by BuyProxy. By doing this, you will be able to do precisely as I have done and push your money site to the top of Google, as quickly as possible.


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Domain Hunter Gatherer Change Logs:


  22-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.45.0
 * Improved: Crawl Level controls expanded
 * Improved: Google Index status checkingreliability
 * Improved: Google Mentions checker
 * Improved: Google Links counter
 * Improved: Size of domains / accounts list to show horizontal scrollbars more clearly
21-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.44.0
 * Improved: Positioning of controls with Windows scaling
19-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.43.0
 * Improved: Made thread controls visible onhgh DPI monitors with text scaling
09-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.42.0
 * Improved: Tumblr checking improved accuracy
 * Improved: Twitter checking improved accuracy
 * Improved: LiveJournal availability checking accuracy improved
 * Improved: Web request code max lines increased
07-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.41.0
 * Improved: Fixed bug in setting up domain link when importing from csv
06-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.40.0
 * Improved: Temporarily disabled domains
 * Improved: Default bad word list cleaned up slightly
02-01-2017 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.39.0
 * Improved: Twitter links now correct
 * Improved: Opening Twitter accounts directly from the software now works correctly
31-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.38.0
 * Improved: Twitted account checking improved
30-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.37.0
 * Improved: Tumblr account availability verification re-implemented
28-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.36.0
 * Improved: Favourite column is now able to be hidden and / or disabled
 * Improved: availability checking improved
 * Improved: .nl availability checking improved
22-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.35.0
 * Improved: Bug in filtering fixed
22-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.34.0
 * Improved: Domain Contains filter now works as an OR type filter
 * Improved: Small search improvement
21-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.33.0
 * Improved: CSV output
 * Improved: CSV import
08-12-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.32.0
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter backup log files output every 5 minutes
 * Improved: Log output timer stops when outputting log
 * Improved: Small change to proxy credentials use on proxies without login user / pass
 * Improved: Added Moz Spam Score to stats as detected when an expired domain is found
 * Improved: Added Majestic Topical Trust Flow to stats as detected when an expired domain is found
 * Improved: Removed .gm domain checking due to removal of public whois server
 * Improved: Small changes to domain analysis
 * Improved: Ahrefs domain level checking issue
29-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.31.0
 * Improved: Importing of domains from csv now includes Domain Spam Rating
 * Improved: Importing of domains from csv now correctly imports Age
 * Improved: Reseting column order from right click menu improved to include new columns
28-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.30.0
 * Improved: Moz Spam Score adjustment
28-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.29.0
 * Added: Moz Spam Score to DomDetailer
 * Added: Majestic Topical Trust Flow to DomDetailer
 * Added: Tripod double checking
 * Improved: Tripod availability checking
27-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.28.0
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check minimum TF now lowerd to 5
 * Improved: Changed label of "Check Credits" button for DomDetailer to "Check Balance"
17-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.27.0
 * Improved: Google searching returning more results on proxies
17-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.26.0
 * Improved: Debugging option added
 * Improved: Removed checking of .eg domains
15-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.25.0
 * Improved: Small improvements to web access code
 * Improved: Premium license purchase page now remains logged into user account
 * Improved: Pro license purchase page now remains logged into user account
07-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.24.0
 * Improved: Consolidated View notes and Edit Domain Notes options
03-11-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.23.0
 * Improved: Fixed bug in domain analysis
30-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.22.0
 * Added: More debug functions
29-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.21.0
 * Improved: Domain Analysis bug
29-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.20.0
 * Improved: Bad words in content improvements
 * Improved: Anchor text analysis bug fixed
 * Improved: Anchor text analysis faster and less system usage
25-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.19.0
 * Improved: Fixed bug in Yahoo search in some Language / Region combinations
 * Improved: Fixed bug in Bing search in some Language / Region combinations
 * Improved: Google search better handling of regional variances
22-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.18.0
 * Improved: Fixed anchor text %age values in domain spam check notes
 * Improved: Domain Contains filter now separatable by comma
 * Improved: Domain Does Not Contain filter added
 * Improved: All Domains now have case lowered when adding to domain list
20-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.17.0
 * Improved: Minimum Majestic TF for domain spam check now TF 7
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check notes now shows anchor text breakdown
 * Improved: Changed label of "Availability Checker Threads" to "Checking / Availability Threads" for better clarity
 * Improved: Export Expired Domain Hunting Campaign now taken out of beta phase
19-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.16.0
 * Improved: Domain Analysis now more accurate and reliable
 * Improved: Domain Analysis stricter timeout
17-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.15.0
 * Improved: Weebly web2.0 checking improved
 * Fixed: Analyse domains function bug
16-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.14.0
 * Improved: Invalid domain removal improved
 * Improved: Added payday related badwords to domain spam check list
11-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.13.0
 * Improved: Edit Notes Form now multi line enabled (CTRL+N when highlighting a domain)
11-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.12.0
 * Improved: Small tweaks and improvements to DomDetailer integration
10-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.10.0
 * Added: Social Stats for domains are now included along with Moz and Majestic
    Social Stats included are below:
        Facebook Shares
        Facebook Comments
        Google +1s
        Pinterest Pins
        LinkedIn Shares
 * Improved: Removed some discontinued social share stats
06-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.9.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer "highest" option removed to improve overall accuracy of results
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check improved to detect low link figures
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check improved to detect site wide links
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
05-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.8.0
 * Improved: Domain Spam check analysing more recent wayback machine snapshots
 * Improved: Added short delay between wayback machine checks in domain spam check to prevent IP burning
04-10-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.7.0
 * Improved: .it domain checking bug fix
27-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.6.0
 * Improved: Small DomDetailer integration update
27-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.5.0
 * Improved: Login and API handling for non-standard email addresses
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check filter when being used with TLD based filters bug fix
27-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.4.0
 * Improved: Removed unnecessary file output code
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
27-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.3.0
 * Improved: Added Domain Spam Quality Filter option
 * Improved: Removed PR filter option
 * Improved: Streamlined Whois calls
 * Improved: Proxy handling for efficiency
 * Improved: Invalid domain detection
 * Improved: Crawling code for better efficiency
 * Improved: Domain Spam Check Wayback checker
 * Improved: Domain Spam Bad Words checker
 * Improved: Sorting of Spam Checked Domains
16-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.2.0
 * Improved: Domain Spam rating now correctly output to csv file
15-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.1.0
 * Improved: Domain Quality Check Improved
10-09-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.7.0.0
 * Added: Spam Domain Check
 * Added: View Domain Notes option to right-click menu
 * Improved: Updated whois server for bi TLDs
 * Improved: More efficient whois call checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added availability checking
 * Improved: Added many more domain TLDs
 * Improved: Removed PR column from domain lists
23-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.46.0
 * Improved: Added dedicated whois server for domains
 * Improved: Added new whois server for bz domains
 * Improved: Removed dis-continued whois server for mc domains
 * Improved: Removed dis-continued whois server for ge domains
 * Improved: Removed dis-continued whois server for az domains
 * Improved: Removed dis-continued whois server for ba domains
20-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.45.0
 * Improved: Updated whois server for .uy domains
 * Improved: Updated whois server for .mk domains
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
15-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.44.0
 * Improved: Searching pages error checking
 * Improved: Removed .gr TLD
 * Improved: Removed unregisterable .us TLDs
 * Improved: Better resetting of unavailable variable in expired domain checking
 * Improved: Updated .pro TLD whois server
 * Improved: Updated TLD whois server
 * Improved: Updated .se TLD whois server
 * Improved: Removed TLD
13-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.43.0
 * Improved: .ir TLD availability checking
 * Improved: Domain availability checking overall
 * Improved: TLD availability checking
 * Improved: TLD availability checking
12-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.42.0
 * Improved: Pop-up on form closing when not using proxies has been removed
 * Improved: Dynamic twitter pages now correctly identified as a single page
 * Improved: .coop TLDs re-checked for validity
09-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.41.0
 * Improved: Moz handling improved to get around their recent changes
08-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.40.0
 * Improved: Detail Checking
 * Improved: Getting DomDetailer stats
05-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.39.0
 * Added: "Domain Contains" Filter option
 * Added: "Domain Starts With" Filter option
 * Added: "Domain Ends With" Filter option
26-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.38.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer database upgraded and moved
 * Improved: DomDetailer use in DHG streamlined
 * Improved: Small improvements to Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
21-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.37.0
 * Improved: Removed Tumblr double check till another method is found
 * Improved: Auto save for crawl level of "Hunt From Keywords"
 * Improved: Auto save for crawl level of "Hunt From Websites"
 * Improved: Auto save for crawl level of "Reverse Hunt Domains"
 * Improved: Auto save filters for Domain Auction Hunter
 * Improved: Auto save filters for Web2.0 Hunter
 * Improved: Auto save filters for Expired Domain Hunter
12-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.36.0
 * Improved: Adding an empty TLD filter will no longer show an exception error
 * Improved: Adding multiple TLDs more reliable
03-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.35.0
 * Improved: Better handling of many threads
 * Improved: Searching bug fix
 * Improved: Whois requests to non limiting servers will not use proxies
 * Improved: Increased Reverse crawl to include up to 10,000 webpages
03-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.34.0
 * Improved: Fixed Domain availability checking bug
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
01-07-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.33.0
 * Improved: Google searching now more reliable
 * Improved: Google searching uses less CPU resources
 * Improved: Bing searching more accurate results
 * Improved: Bing searching uses less CPU resources
 * Improved: Yahoo searching more accurate results
 * Improved: Yahoo searching uses less CPU resources
 * Improved: Double check phase of web2.0 won't occur if not necessary (saves time)
24-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.32.0
 * Improved: Weebly double check feature fix
23-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.31.0
 * Improved: Availability checking of domains with low number of proxies
17-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.30.0
 * Improved: Fixed Ahrefs bug in checking metrics
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
14-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.29.0
 * Improved: Increased allowed 301 redirects to 10 per page request
 * Improved: Recognise and follow http redirects
 * Improved: Lots of crawling improvements
 * Improved: Added some TLDs to master list
14-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.28.0
 * Improved: Fixed issue with loading webpage lists with invalid domains to Expired Domain Hunter
13-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.27.0
 * Added: TLS 1.2 support when .NET4.5 is installed (optional)
 * Added: SSL / TLS support indicator to status bar
 * Added: Remove Blacklisted Domains option to domain list right click menu
 * Improved: Crawling improvements
 * Improved: DomDetailer indicator added to API label
 * Improved: Fixed auto-saving of deleted domains on form closing
12-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.26.0
 * Improved: Proxy reliability
 * Improved: Crawling speed on low number of proxies
 * Improved: Other small crawling related improvements
10-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.25.0
 * Improved: Fixed encoding bug in web request code
05-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.24.0
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter availability checker
 * Improved: Increased finished job queue max size to improve performance on highly threaded systems
 * Improved: Website ID checking in Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Lowered time to process scraped page lists on deep crawls (2+ levels)
 * Improved: Fixed proxy handling issue
05-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.23.0
 * Improved: Huge improvements to highy threaded setups (100+ threads)
05-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.22.0
 * Improved: Massive improvments to crawling code for much better performance
04-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.21.0
 * Improved: Fixes to advanced crawler method
04-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.20.0
 * Improved: Better handling of incorrect formatting when using Check from Websites feature
 * Improved: Fixed application of timeout settings
02-06-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.19.0
 * Added: account checking
 * Improved: Fixed Moz DA when using Moz API
 * Improved: Fixed Moz PA when using Moz API
 * Improved: Fixed Twitter stat checking when using Moz API
31-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.18.0
 * Improved: Fixed small issue in new crawling code that would cause some profiles to end prematurely on fast connections
29-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.17.0
 * Improved: Removed some reserved twitter accounts from being checked
 * Improved: Increased max thread limits (use at own risk)
 * Improved: Increased Service Point Max connection limit
26-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.16.0
 * Improved: Removed tumblr double check controls due to not being needed anymore
 * Improved: Added advanced crawling method
 * Improved: TLD (Disallow) now blocks all variants of filtered TLD
23-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.15.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer better handling of twitter accounts
20-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.14.0
 * Added: Checking for expired Twitter accounts
 * Improved: Fixed name label of Domain Auction Hunter
19-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.12.0
 * Improved: Better crawling of websites that block bots
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
17-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.11.0
 * Improved: Form name now applied correctly on start up
 * Improved: Instance name added to Web2.0 Hunter form title
 * Improved: Instance name added to Expired Domain Hunter form title
16-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.10.0
 * Improved: Reverse Crawl for domains not pulling links for some users
 * Improved: Pressing Enter key in Reverse crawl now starts reverse crawl
15-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.9.0
 * Updated: Whois Server list
 * Updated: Domain TLD list
 * Improved: Auto removing government domains by default
14-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.8.0
 * Added: TLD (Disallow) filter now applied before checking availability of domain in Expired Domain Hunter
10-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.7.0
 * Added: Reverse Crawl option to Crawl from Websites Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Changed "Crawl Website" label to "Crawl Website(s)"
09-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.6.0
 * Improved: Removed bad domains from scrape
 * Improved: Fixed delete domain bug
08-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.5.0
 * Added: Option for DomDetailer to use specific Majestic variant stats
 * Improved: Removed Image adverts from Settings tab
 * Improved: Removed Image advert from Domain Auction Hunter
05-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.4.0
 * Improved: Fixed Expired Domain Hunter crawl bug
02-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.3.0
 * Improved: TLD list update
 * Improved: Whois list update
01-05-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.2.0
 * Improved: Fixed bug in Social Media analysis
30-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.1.0
 * Added: Link to visit twitter search page for selected domain(s)
 * Added: Right Click menu option to go to Twitter search page for selected domain(s)
 * Improved: Removed Twitter options from Analysis service list
 * Improved: Removed outdated checking of Twitter shares
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter bug fixed
28-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.6.0.0
 * Added: Custom crawling method
 * Improved: Copy Domains to clipboard
 * Improved: Copy Domains to .txt
 * Improved: Copy Domains to .csv
 * Improved: Analysis speed of domains when using "Selected Domains" option
 * Improved: Support for imported domains including http:// and http://
23-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.32.0
 * Removed: PR analysis due to it being discontinued
 * Added: Blurpalicious web2.0 account checking
 * Improved: Proxy checker better indication of working and non-working proxies
 * Added: More correction checks to Export Campaign
 * Added: Re-Check available Web2.0 accounts from right-click menu
 * Added: Re-Check available Expired Domains from right-click menu
 * Improved: Handling errors in Campaign import
20-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.31.0
 * Improved: Fixed Svbtle checking
 * Improved: Fixed: Removed Blurpalicious due to site being down
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
16-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.30.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 availability checker thread locking bug
 * Improved: Web2.0 searching bug
 * Improved: high CPU usage
 * Improved: Web2.0 Search ending times
09-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.29.0
 * Added: Domain Blacklist to prevent re-checking of unwanted domains
 * Added: Buy DomDetailer credits button has been reinstated
 * Improved: File inut for secondary proxy list now is single line
 * Improved: Fixed Remove Sorting right click option
07-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.28.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 finishing time greatly increased
 * Improved: Tumblr account double checking integrated into availability checking phase
 * Improved: Better support for standardising lines
 * Improved: Load proxies from file better support for loading from URL
07-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.27.0
 * Improved: Update TLD list
 * Improved: Updated Whois List
 * Improved: Expired domain checker
04-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.26.0
 * Added: Better footprints for all web2.0 platforms
 * Added: Another DomDetailer server
 * Improved: Moz PA analyse option fixed
03-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.25.0
 * Improved: Fixed userAgent bug
03-04-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.24.0
 * Improved: Searching progress indicator now correctly shows 100% when finished
 * Improved: UserAgent handling in searching
 * Improved: UserAgent handling in Web2.0 Hunting
 * Improved: UserAgent handling in Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: UserAgent handling in Availability Checker
 * Improved: Save button added to Web2.0 Hunter Search Settings
 * Improved: Ability to save Custom Date search settings in Web2.0 Hunter
 * Improved: Ability to save Custom Date search settings in Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Ability to save search engine settings in Web2.0 Hunter
 * Improved: Ability to save search engine settings in Expired Domain Hunter
30-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.23.0
 * Improved: Removed pop-ups in Web2.0 hunter
 * Improved: Svbtle checking improved
 * Improved: Added Select All option to domains right-click menu
 * Improved: Added Deselect All option to domains right-click menu
 * Improved: Added Invert Selection option to domains right click menu
26-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.22.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 improved results
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter finding domains from keywords
 * Improved: Searching in google for more results
 * Improved: Better longevity of proxies in Web2.0 hunter
 * Improved: Better longevity of proxies in Expired Domain Hunter
25-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.21.0
 * Improved: Whois List update for Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: TLD list update for Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Expired Domain Crawler
25-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.20.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Double Check Feature
 * Improved: Unneeded message box pop-up in web2.0 removed
24-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.19.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer integration
21-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.18.0
 * Improved: web2.0 searching code
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter searching code
16-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.17.0
 * Improved: .pt TLD checking
 * Improved: TLD checking
16-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.16.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer integration
11-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.15.0
 * Added: Save Column Order to file otpion from right click menu
 * Added: Load Column Order to file otpion from right click menu
 * Added: Reset Column Order to Default otpion from right click menu
 * Improved: Changed Web2.0 Hunter tab labels to "Accounts" from "Domains"
 * Improved: Changed Expired Domain Hunter Import label from "Auctions" to "Domains"
07-03-08-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.14.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Tumblr and Weebly account check video guides
 * Improved: Ahrefs OpenApps code integration
07-03-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.13.0
 * Improved: Tumblr Double check account test
 * Improved: Weebly Double check account test
 * Improved: Regex issue causing thread lockups
 * Improved: Thread issue causing high CPU usage
02-03-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.12.0
 * Improved: Weebly Double Check for non-English speaking regions
01-03-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.11.0
 * Improved: CSV Export accuracy
 * Improved: CSV Import error handling
29-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.10.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter Double Check available accounts reporting
 * Improved: Crawling code for better handling of vague links
28-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.9.0
 * Improved: No longer using proxies for paid for services
 * Improved: Weebly double check
 * Improved: Updated TLDs
 * Improved: Web2.0 Double Check feature
 * Improved: Tumblr double checking process
20-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.8.0
 * Improved: Tripod availability checking
 * Improved: Log folder creation if deleted or moved
 * Improved: Log output reliability with non standard filenames
16-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.7.0
 * Added: Select All to right click menu of Analyse Domains controls
 * Added: Deselect All to right click menu of Analyse Domains controls
 * Added: Auto Save of domains when exiting the software
 * Added: Auto Loading of domains from previous session
 * Added: Pause button to Web2.0 Hunter
14-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.6.0
 * Improved: Availability Detection for .il domains
14-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.5.0
 * Improved: Malformed domain handling for better availability accuracy
 * Improved: Handling of IDN domains
10-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.4.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter Form
 * Improved: TLD list for Expired Domain Hunter
07-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.3.0
 * Improved: Cleaned the TLD list again
 * Improved: Added more checks to domain name to remove invalid domains before checking
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter Double Check Feature
06-02-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.2.0
 * Added: Extra domain availability checks
 * Added: Improvements to find unavailable domains quicker
 * Added: New common bad domain filters
 * Improved: Log viewer now wider to make it easier to read
 * Improved: Error correction in main form controls
 * Improved: Better ListView Column order saving
25-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.1.0
 * Added: Ability to search for expired domains from multiple files
 * Added: Ability to search for Web2.0s from multiple files
 * Added: Ability to copy domains by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C
25-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.5.0.0
 * Added: Actual availability checking for Tumblr accounts
 * Added: Actual availability checking for Weebly accounts
 * Added: Controls for inputting web2.0 accounts for double checking
 * Added: Download button for DomRecovery (Pro Users)
 * Added: Link to DomDetailer website on Main Window
 * Added: DomDetailer credit purchase button in Settings tab
 * Improved: Finish time of Auction Hunter
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter now checking with higher accuracy
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter now completes more reliably of list before finishing
 * Improved: Loading in speed of all types of domains
 * Improved: Deleting speed of all domain types
 * Improved: Removed unnecessary refresh of auction list when deleting domains
 * Improved: Cookie handling in web request code
21-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.65.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer vast improvements to accuracy
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter ends correctly
14-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.64.0
 * Added: Output of available web2.0 accounts while scraping (Sent to Log folder)
 * Added: Save Campaign to Expired Domain Hunter for continuing a scrape at a later date
 * Improved: Button anchoring in Web2.0 hunter
 * Improved: Importing huge lists of pages for crawling (5mil +)
 * Improved: Ending time of Web2.0 Hunter
12-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.63.0
 * Added: Pause button to Expired Domain Hunter
12-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.62.0
 * Improved: Edit notes of multiple domains at once
 * Improved: Hit "N" key to edit notes
 * Improved: When Editing Notes hit Enter key to save notes to domain(s)
11-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.61.0
 * Added: Notes can be written and saved for all domains
 * Added: Button to open Youtube Video guides
 * Added: Button to open exclusive deals on Proxies, hosting, domain registration and other webmaster services
 * Added: Link button to homepage
 * Added: Link button to members area
 * Improved: Csv output accuracy
 * Improved: Maj CF/TF display editable bug
09-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.60.0
 * Added: Import from csv option
 * Improved: Output csv option for better compatibility
 * Improved: Csv output of anchors, page of origin and other aspects of domains
02-01-2016 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.59.0
 * Added: Output domain list with stats while searching expired domains
 * Added: Indicator of amount of domains meet filter requirements
 * Improved: Cannot accidentally stop crawling with key press events
27-12-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.58.0
 * Added: Option to block domains based on specific TLDs
 * Improved: Removing of comments within html less CPU intensive now
13-12-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.57.0
 * Improved: Footprint handling web2.0 hunter
 * Improved: Faster closing of web2.0 hunter when finished
11-12-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.56.0
 * Improved: Extra character handling in web requesting code
 * Improved: Better thread handling throughout
 * Improved: Better handling of keywords for Expired Domain Searching
 * Improved: Better handling of footprints for Expired Domain Searching
08-12-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.55.0
 * Improved: Handling of footprints in searching
 * Improved: Saving of footprints now works as expected
 * Improved: Added empty footprint for expired domain searching for laser targeted niche domains
 * Improved: Better handling of importing keywords and separating individual keywords
 * Improved: Import search keywords for expired domain from clipboard
 * Improved: Import search keywords for expired domain from file
 * Improved: Search keyword confirmation screen for expired domain searching
30-11-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.54.0
 * Improved: Added Moz Page Authority as a filter option
29-11-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.53.0
 * Improved: Domain Availability Fallback for when ISP has non-standard DNS error reporting
18-11-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.52.0
 * Improved: Filtering of TLDs
16-11-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.51.0
 * Improved: Google Searching
 * Improved: Running without proxies
 * Improved: Proxy handling in web requesting code
 * Improved: Domain Filtering controls
 * Improved: Added Filtering by Majestic Cf / TF Ratio
 * Fixed: Bug that required manual stopping of domain crawl from keywords when finished
27-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.50.0
 * Improved: Auction Hunter Export Filters button text clarified
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter Export Filters button text clarified
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter Export Filters button text clarified
23-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.49.0
 * Improved: .sk expired domain checking
 * Improved: .in expired domain checking
 * Improved: expired domain checking
15-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.48.0
 * Added: Option to ignore any links inside a commented section of html
 * Improved: Google search scraping
06-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.47.0
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter running for stability
06-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.46.0
 * Added: CF / TF Ratio column for Domain Auction Hunter
 * Added: CF / TF Ratio column for Web2.0 Account Hunter
 * Added: CF / TF Ratio column for Expired Domain Hunter
 * Fixed: Web2.0 Analyse button now disables correctly to prevent multiple concurrent analysis of web2.0 accounts
05-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.45.0
 * Fixed: Crash bug on startup
01-10-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.44.0
 * Added: DomDetailer Test button to check settings are correct
 * Added: DomDetailer Check Balance button to see how many credits are left on the account
29-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.43.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer improved for speed and memory usage
27-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.42.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Account Analysis
 * Improved: Domain Analysis for domains from Domain Auction Hunter
25-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.41.0
 * Added: Ability to check Anchor text of link to expired domain with Analyse Domain Feature
18-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.40.0
 * Improved: Fixed Off-Site crawling option question when crawling a single website
 * Improved: Expired Domain checking of domains in queue when last page has been crawled
 * Improved: Better memory use when scraping for expired domains
 * Improved: Lower CPU usage when scraping expired domains
 * Improved: Large amounts of expired domain hunting code
17-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.39.0
 * Improved: Removed Off-site question when it is at irrelevant crawl depths (Expired Domaing Hunter)
 * Improved: Crawling of websites from a file at crawl depth of 0
 * Improved: Expired Domain Hunter worker threading code
16-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.38.0
 * Updated: OverBlog web2.0 checking
 * Updated: All footprints of web2.0 platforms
 * Updated: Web2.0 platform checker thread setup for better efficiency
13-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.37.0
 * Updated: Jimdo web2.0 checking
 * Improved: Weebly web2.0 checking
 * Improved: DotBlog web2.0 checking
 * Improved: Tumblr web2.0 checking
 * Improved: Blogspot web2.0 checking
03-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.36.0
 * Added: Support for finding .pl domains
03-09-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.35.0
 * Improved: Web request code
 * Improved: CPU usage reduced with no impact to speed
22-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.34.0
 * Improved: Better support for overblog web2.0 platform
 * Improved: Reporting of number of available web2.0s at the end of a crawl
21-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.33.0
 * Improved: "Must contain" controls in Expired Domain Hunter
 * Improved: Google indexed status now showing as unchecked as opposed to not indexed after a scrape
21-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.32.0
 * Improved: Csv output, fixed origin page not showing
 * Improved: Csv output: Moz Trust
 * Improved: Csv output: Moz Rank
20-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.31.0
 * Improved: Increased time delay between outputting of available domains while hunting to 30mins to lower CPU usage and any potential delays
17-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.30.0
 * Removed: Temporarily removed checking of Google indexed status whenever a available domain is found. This is due to Google blocking IPs very quickly, it will be reinstated with a smarter mechanism to prevent IP blocks soon.
17-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.29.0
 * Added: Saving of available domains while still checking so none are lost due to an unexpected close
11-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.28.0
 * Added: Wikidot support to Web 2.0 Hunter
10-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.27.0
 * Improved: Overblog account detection
 * Improved: Updated 15 of the web2.0 accounts
07-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.26.0
 * Improved:
07-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.25.0
 * Improved: Removed CPU usage bug
06-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.24.0
 * Improved: Removed issue with threads continuing after clicking "STOP"
03-08-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.23.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer options saving bug
 * Improved: Rewriting of large parts of website crawling code
 * Improved: Rewriting of some parts of threading handling
31-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.22.0
 * Improved: Free Moz account integration in Web2.0 Hunter
 * Improved: Free Moz account integration in Expired Domain Hunter
26-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.21.0
 * Improved: Web2.0 Hunter Moz integration
24-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.20.0
 * Improved: DomDetailer bug in Pro version
21-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.19.0
 * Improved: Small change to how the start domain is set when crawling from a single website
20-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.18.0
 * Added: Support for DomDetailer in Domain Auction Hunter
 * Added: Support for DomDetailer in Web2.0 Hunter
 * Added: Support for DomDetailer in non-Pro Accounts
    Purchase DomDetailer Credits from
 * Added: Option to Log-out from the Help menu
 * Added: Option to crawl off-site when using website crawler
 * Improved: DomDetailer checking code more CPU efficient
 * Improved: Added more error checking in DomDetailer handling code
 * Improved: Fallback code for Moz stats
 * Fixed: Moz DA being reported as Moz PA in Domain Auction Hunter domain list
16-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.17.0
 * Fixed: Bug preventing from continuing when a malformed webpage is in the crawl list
16-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.16.0
 * Improved: Age stat now using Wayback Machine API for better stability
 * Improved: Quicker ending of scraping on fully crawled sites
 * Fixed: Issue with searching with unsupported language / country combinations
16-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.15.0
 * Improved: Proxy applied at time of use for lower CPU usage
 * Improved: User-Agent applied at time of use for lower CPU usage
 * Improved: All crawlers now correctly stay on site
 * Improved: Country List option in Expired DOmain Hunter now correctly only allows for 1 country to be selected
 * Improved: Language List option in Expired DOmain Hunter now correctly only allows for 1 language to be selected
 * Fixed: Update notes not being properly line separated
12-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.14.0
 * Improved: Hubpages availability checking
10-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.12.0
 * Improved: Proxy handling in built in Proxy Tester module
06-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.11.0
 * Improved: Added some more unregisterable domains to block domain list
 * Improved: Website splitting by comma for expired domain hunter crawling website option
 * Improved: Error handling in Expired domain hunter
06-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.10.0
 * Improved: Dropped CPU usage by a large margin without affecting running speed at all
 * Improved: LiveJournal no longer shows sub accounts as available
05-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.9.0
 * Fixed: MozRank from DomDetailer now corrected
 * Updated: Whois list for some TLDs
 * Updated: TLD list
 * Improved: Changed "Crawled Pages: Must Contain" label to read "Crawled URLs: Must Contain"
05-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.8.0
 * Added: Date range for searching for web2.0 accounts
 * Improved: Web2.0 searching improvements
 * Improved: DrupalGardens web2.0 checking accuracy improved
 * Improved: Snappages web2.0 checking accuracy
 * Improved: Jimdo web2.0 checking accuracy
04-07-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.7.0
 * Added: Option to set limit to pages per crawl level in expired domain hunter via Settings tab
 * Added: Another whois server for .de domains to increase whois request limit
30-06-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.6.0
 * Fixed: Bug in DomDetailer API
29-06-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.5.0
 * Added: Option to crawl specific sites in Domain Auction Hunter
 * Improved: Naming for unique search results in Web 2.0 Hunter Form
 * Improved: Slight changes to web request code
26-06-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.3.0
 * Fixed: Removed test text from Web2.0 Hunter search keyword input box
25-06-2015 Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.2.0
 * Updated: Expired Account Finder
 * Updated: Expired Account Finder
 * Improved: Expired links in Web2.0 account list now directs browser to homepage
 * Updated: Checked and tweaked all expired web2.0 checking scripts
22-06-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.1.0
 * Improved: TLD list shortened to remove unregisterable domains
 * Improved: Bug in DomDetailer API not disabling when set as so
 * Improved: DomDetailer credits now applied automatically when new payment received or subscription started
 * Fixed: DomDetailer using too many credits fixed, all users' credits reset for the month
20-06-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.4.0.0
 * Added: (BETA) Free Moz and Majestic stat checking for Pro users
 * Added: Pagerank is now checked as part of the built in detail checker for expired domain hunter
 * Added: Google Index state is now checked as part of the built in detail checker for expired domain checker
 * Added: Yahoo Index stats is now checked as part of the built in detail checker for expired domain miner
 * Improved: Godaddy auction links fixed
 * Improved: Saving of web2.0 accounts by pressing Enter key
 * Improved: Login Form now warns against unsupported passwords
 * Improved: Login system improvements
16-06-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.20.0
 * Fixed: CPU over use bug fixed
16-06-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.19.0
 * Added: Check for redirecting DNS servers for better compatibility
 * Improved: Lowered CPU usage while checking Domain availability
02-06-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.18.0
 * Added: Output available domains while still searching / crawling
 * Added: Output all domains while still searching / crawling
 * Added: Output all domains at the end of the searching / crawling process
 * Updated: TLD list, extended to 2.9k domain TLDs supported
 * Improved: Better previous domain checks
 * Improved: Better database error handling
 * Improved: Reduced number of redundant pop-ups
31-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.17.0
 * Improved: Minimize button in Expired Domain Hunter placement
 * Improved: Minimize button in Web2.0 Hunter placement
 * Improved: Minimize button in Expired Domain Hunter now works as expected
 * Improved: Minimize button in Web2.0 Hunter now works as expected
 * Improved: Whois server list sorting for better identification of correct whois server for specific domains
30-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.16.0
 * Improved: Updated User Agent strings for better crawling compatibility
 * Improved: User agent application
 * Imrpoved: Web request code
30-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.15.0
 * Improved: Better 64bit Support
 * Improved: Lowered overall memory use in expired domain hunter
 * Improved: Handling of larger imported page lists
 * Improved: Better 64 bit support for database handling
 * Improved: Importing pages to crawl from file
29-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.14.0
 * Improved: Reduced overloading of temp queue
27-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.12.0
 * Improved: Cleaned up 11 unregisterable domains
 * Improved: Whois availability checking improved
 * Improved: Added whois server for domains
26-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.11.0
 * Improved: Added specific handling of crawl depth 0 lists
 * Improved: Added specific handling of crawl depth 1 lists
 * Improved: Fixed bug in domain detail checker
26-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.10.0
 * Added: Save settings button to Expired Domain Hunter Search Settings tab
 * Fixed: Bug in TLD checking
26-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.9.0
 * Improved: New efficient methods of checking for TLD
 * Improved: Lowered memory usage
 * Improved: Crawling speed improved
 * Improved: Availability checking improvements
25-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.8.0
 * Added: Filter by TLD now prevent expired domain hunter from checking domains not from a filtered TLD
 * Added: New crawling and limiting system
 * Improved: Deleting domain from list working again from delete key
 * Improved: Fixed bug in adding domains to availability checking list that have already been checked
23-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.7.0
 * Added: Moz PA checking for all domain types
 * Improved: Accuracy for expired domain hunter
16-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.6.0
 * Improved: Majestic detail checking
 * Improved: More Stats => Majestic now adapts to your option of whether to get stats as root domain or not
16-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.5.0
 * Improved: Detail checking while manipulating domain list
 * Improved: Login system on Windows XP machines
15-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.4.0
 * Improved: Resizing of Must Contain input works as expected
 * Improved: Resizing of Must Not Contain input works as expected
15-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.3.0
 * Added: Search domains based on date (limited to Google)
 * Improved: Whois server update for indian based domains
 * Improved: Added some more TLDs to not check (education institute domains)
13-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.2.0
 * Fixed: Bug in Expired Domain Hunter causing pages not to be added to crawl list when no text entered to must contain and must not contain boxes
12-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.1.0
 * Improved: Page must contain improvements
 * Improved: Page must not contain improvements
11-05-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.3.0.0
 * Added: Store large datasets to database when crawling for expired domains
 * Added: Entirely new website crawling code
 * Added: Crawling page must contain text
 * Added: Crawling page must not contain text
 * Improved: Majestic details checking
 * Fixed: Removed duplicate hubpages entry in Web2.0 list
30-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.2.1.0
 * Added: Master database for storing quality checked domains
28-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.2.1.0
 * Added: Updated whois server list for better accuracy
27-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.2.1.0
 * Added: Updated whois checks on 20+ TLDs
25-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.2.0.0
 * Added: Domain caching to prevent re-analysing of domains previously analysed
 * Added: Analysing of unchecked domains
 * Added: Default option of domain analysis now unchecked domains
 * Added: Option in settings tab for paid or free moz API account
25-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.19.0
 * Added: Free Moz stats improvements
23-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.18.0
 * Added: Option to check Majestic stats of root domain OR http://www.domain.tld
 * Added: Prevention of adding documents and files to pages to crawl list
 * Added: Better thread termination on closing
23-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.17.0
 * Added: Hundreds of TLDs
 * Added: Crawling page limit increase for faster more efficient running of multiple depths
 * Added: Improved crawling and checking of domains from .gov, .edu, .ac, .mil and more TLDs
 * Fixed: Crawling bug
22-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.16.0
 * Fixed: bug in availability checking .nl domains
21-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.15.0
 * Added: CSV output only outputs visible Domain List Columns
 * Added: CSV output shows same column ordering as in Domain List
 * Added: Quick deleting now possible by selecting a Domain from the list and pressing "del" key
20-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.14.0
 * Added: Update notes
 * Added: Indicator to show how many Web2.0 sites are selected
 * Added: Keyword amount indicator added to Expired Domain Hunter
 * Added: Minimize button added to Expired Domain Hunter
 * Added: Minimize button added to Web2.0 Hunter
 * Added: Minimize button added to Auction Hunter
19-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.13.0
 * Fixed: Crawling of .nl websites
 * Fixed: Checking of .nl domains
 * Fixed: Crawling of .fr websites
 * Fixed: Checking of .fr domains
17-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.12.0
 * Added: Improvements to websiet crawling code
 * Added: Improvements to domain checking code
17-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.11.0
 * Added: Support for crawling websites without the preceeding http://
 * Added: Support for crawling websites without the preceeding http:// from .txt lists
16-04-2015  Domain Hunter Gatherer v1.1.10.0
 * Added: support for IPv6 resolving IPv4 proxies
 * Added: Better Proxy Checking overall
 * Added: Improved failing of proxy test on poorly formatted proxies
 * Removed: Remnants of old expired domain hunter of "possibly" available domains
 * Added: Ability to load software using the app file as well as the intended Loader
1 Comment
  1. Reply
    seo May 15, 2016 at 10:30 am

    Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. Seo Plugin

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